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Taylors Estate Tempranillo 750ml

A variety made famous in Spain, this is a medium-bodied wine with seductive flavours of maraschino cherry, plums and subtle spice along with well integrated savoury oak. There is a pleasing soft and silky texture to the mid palate and the wine has a long, persistent finish.

Taylors Jaraman Grenache 750ml

This is a lighter style red wine with juicy red fruit flavours of raspberry and strawberry along with hints of cinnamon spice.

Te Mata Estate Gamay Noir 750ml

Aromas of black cherry, wild strawberry and star anise. The palate is soft and pillowy with a racing-stripe of boysenberry ripple through it. There are dark roses, raspberries, and notes of sandalwood and liquorice.

Trapiche Pure Black Malbec 750ml

The Deep, rich black colour invites you to discover the mystery of this wine, which displays intense aromas of black cherries, black plums and blackberries with a subtle spicy touch.
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