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McGuigan Gold Label Shiraz 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A medium-bodied wine with lush forest berries, rich mocha notes and subtle spice balanced by soft, velvety tannins.

McGuigan Private Bin Shiraz 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Shiraz features delightful dark cherry and plum aromas integrated with some smoky vanillin characters and cinnamon from the oak. The wine has a good mouth feel with both cherry and plum flavours with a peppery spice.

McPherson Wines Don't Tell Gary Shiraz 750ml

In 2014, winemaker Jo Nash discovered an exceptional parcel of Shiraz which was gently crushed and then stored away in some ridiculously expensive French oak barrels to age for 12 months. This wine speaks for itself - minimal intervention, purity of fruit, Shiraz at its' best. This is a special occasion wine. Drink with like-minded wine lovers who enjoy sticking it to the man! Take a moment to admire the gorgeous colour of the wine, then it's a perfect match to charcuterie and cheese, char-grilled steak, or a meat pie.

McPherson Wines Jo Nash Shiraz 750ml

Every wine Jo makes has hours of her deliberations, considerations and yes, even palpitations, poured into every bottle on a never-ending hunt for perfection. This wine truly reflects aspects of who JO is - stylish, low key, minimalistic, authentic and of great character, strength and magnetism. Jo Nash Shiraz - Harmoniously balanced with brooding fruits and carefully integrated French oak, this wine offers intense blackberries and plums with a lingering spicy finish.

Mr. Riggs The Truant Shiraz 750ml

The Truant is a full flavoured McLaren Vale Shiraz, with notes of plum and blackberries, complimented by hints of vanilla and cinnamon spice.

Mud House Shiraz 750ml

All the characteristics of the distinctive new word are captured in our South Australian wines. This wine features the heady aromas of ripe blueberry, dark cherry and blackcurrant, with cherry, blackcurrant and dark chocolate notes on the palate.

Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz 2019 750ml

A showcase of warm climate Australian shiraz. Penfolds first Bin wine. A multi-regional blend with the Barossa always well represented. Ripe, robust and full of flavour. Drink now to 2040.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 750ml

A steely and slatey texture with subtle oak tones beneath the spice and berries.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Named after one of Penfolds Barossa Valley vineyards, Koonunga Hill is a reflection of the Penfolds winemaking style and philosophy - offering richness, balance and lasting quality.

Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Pepperjack Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities. Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 750ml

True to what the region has come to be known for ‘The Barossan’ is a quintessential expression of Barossa Shiraz.
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